Cybersecurity is for the C-suite, not just the IT crowd

“Ninety-seven percent of Fortune 500 companies have been hacked,” says Peter W. Singer, “and likely the other 3% have too, they just don’t know it.” Such is the less-than-rosy picture painted by Singer — director of the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at D.C. think tank Brookings Institution

“This is now a very real problem, one that we have to recognize, that we have to manage,” Singer says in a conversation with Fortune. “Stop looking for others to solve it for you, stop looking for silver bullet solutions, and stop ignoring it.”

I would argue that there’s no issue that’s become more important that’s less understood than cyber. You can see this gap in all sorts of areas, including on the business side. For example, 70% of business executives have made a cybersecurity decision for their company. Not 70% of CTOs or CSOs, but 70% of executives in general. Yet no major MBA program teaches on it.

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