If this year’s attacks on Adobe, LexisNexis, NASDAQ, US Airways, and dozens of other large and technologically sophisticated US enterprises didn’t provide sufficient evidence that we are losing the cyber security war, the ongoing breaches by Anonymous make it undeniable. Why are the world’s most IT savvy companies unable to keep attackers out of their networks?
Several factors are tipping the scales in favor of cyber criminals. These include lack of (threat) information sharing; insufficient automation of threat and vulnerability remediation; the absence of correlation between compliance, security and risk posture; the need to perform continuous security monitoring; and the ability to process huge volumes of data in order to detect and mitigate cyber-attacks in a timely manner.
Fortunately, a new breed of security technology called Integrated Risk Management (IRM) platforms has emerged which can make threats and vulnerabilities visible and actionable, while enabling organizations to prioritize and address high risk security exposures before breaches occur.
Let’s take a look at how IRM systems can level the playing field in the cyber security war…
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