CV19 SelfDefense Mobile Phone App now available for download

To open college campuses safely amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we recommend the CV19 SelfDefense Android Mobile Phone App. This research project was funded by Florida State University (CC-045704, 5/11/20 – 8/18/20). The first iteration just became available. You can download it here.

An online demo is available at

The objectives of the “CV19 SelfDefense” project are two-fold. First, it is an education tool that provides mobile phone users with the most up-to-date information from healthcare authorities, as well as access to nearby test centers. Second, the tool can assist users in assessing symptoms based on CDC guidelines, maintaining social distance as necessary, and managing self-quarantine status. The social distance ‘nudge’ can remind users if someone comes too close (within six feet). Quarantine status gives users a tool to manage safe locations and points of reference during the quarantine period.

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